Tuesday, July 14, 2020

by Z. Moss
Read by Noah Kershisnik
Genre: Middle Grade Science Fiction

Rex Bright enjoys drawing in notebooks and dreaming. He’s thirteen, and his life is ordinary. Until he sees a face in a cloud which changes everything. Rex glimpses the girl from an airplane window while travelling to his aunt and uncle’s farm for the summer. Her features are so perfect, Rex can’t believe she’s only vapor. But Cloud Girl is real. A week later, Skyclyffe, a mysterious airship cloaked in a cumulus, abducts Rex and his family. The captors expect the Brights to live in their flying city forever. And, although he’s kidnapped, Rex loves the craft filled with robots, scientific discoveries, and silvery-white beings. Before long, Rex will be forced to decide whether to escape, or if Skyclyffe and its secret wonders are worth never stepping foot on Earth again.

**ebook is Only .99 cents!!**

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Audio Clip Trailer:
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Z. Moss lives in Stillwater, Minnesota and is currently working on the sequel to Skyclyffe. Two dogs, three cats, and two turtles run the household, including the real-life Radar.

Author Links

About the Narrator
Noah Kershisnik has been acting since before he could read. He spent his youth performing Shakespeare plays in a traveling children's theater, and developed a passion for performance and storytelling. Fortunately he did eventually learn to read, and now spends his time narrating audiobooks as well as acting on camera and stage.

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  1. Thanks, Zola Blue, for hosting Skyclyffe on your blog! I love your name—My grandmother’s name was Zola, which is why my pen name starts with Z. My daughter’s middle name is Zola, and my niece’s first name is Zola (my grandma was pretty special!). Plus, blue is my fav color.

  2. Nice cover. It sounds like a really interesting book. Thank you for sharing.
